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Historical Event on 10/13/1679

More than 20,000 lives were claimed near Massurla Pattanam city, costal area of South India, in a severe storm.

Other Historical Dates and Events
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11/2/1774Lord Robert Clive, one of the founders of British Rule in India, British Army Chief and Diplomat, died. He committed suicide in England at the age of 49 under strain of ill health and charges of his misdeeds in India.
11/2/1774Saint Chokhoba passed away.
11/24/1932The Third Round Table Conference ended in London. As Gandhi was in prison because of his civil disobedience movement he could not attend it. This conference ended without achieving anything.
5/19/1954The Govt. of India constituted a National Film Board.
7/16/1931C. T. Studd, 69, died. He was an English missionary, one of the 'Cambridge Seven,' who worked on the mission field in China, India and Central Africa.
1/5/1974Virendranath Dasgupta, great revolutionary, died.
1/29/1983Indira Gandhi names 12 new ministers as Cabinet resigns.
8/25/1959Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister, declares in New Delhi that India will defend Bhutan and Sikkim if attacked by China.
2/16/1931Viceroy Lord Irwin meets Mahatma Gandhi for the first time.